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The Underground Railroad

Jon Tucker | Published on 5/23/2023

My name is Jon Tucker, an archaeologist at William & Mary. We are working with VDHR to compile a list of properties around Virginia that are associated with an instance, reference, or event related to the Underground Railroad, or the general seeking of freedom from bondage. For example, any jails, courthouses, taverns, etc. that can be linked to a story, will have the association added to the database. This even includes places/landmarks where people met to head towards freedom, or were sadly caught trying to escape their bondage. This project seeks increase awareness and associated significance of properties across the state. Any information would be greatly appreciated, thank you.

Warmest regards,


Jon Tucker can be reached at <>

Fairfax Genealogical Society

P.O. Box 2290

Merrifield, Virginia 22116-2290