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Scanning Civil War Pension Files at the Innovation Hub, National Archives, DC
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About this event
FxGS volunteers have scanned over 20,000 pages of original Civil War pension files, housed at the National Archives in DC. Our current project is the continuation of the digitization of the pension files for the 2nd USCT Infantry Regiment. As we have completed the 90 files for Company A, we are now working on Company B. Once these pension files have been scanned by our volunteers and reviewed for quality control by the NARA staff, they are accessible online to anyone worldwide, at the National Archives catalog at catalog.archives.gov.
There are a limited number of scanners available for each session, so registration is required. If you would like to participate, contact the coordinator at innovationhub@fxgs.org to reserve a spot.
Event Contact(s)
Susan Zweighaft
Registration Info
Registration is required